Virginia Railway Express Midday Storage Facility

Washington, DC

Since its inception in 1994, Virginia Railway Express (VRE) trains have shared midday storage space in Amtrak’s Ivy City Maintenance Complex with both Amtrak and Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) trains. As the three services have grown, this shared space has become more congested. To accommodate the growing fleets and the need for more train storage space at the Ivy City complex, VRE opted to develop a separate facility and enlisted VHB to help make this vision a reality. We are providing preliminary engineering and environmental analysis for the proposed midday VRE commuter rail storage facility, and are also coordinating the public outreach, agency coordination, and design efforts.

The selected site, located across the Northeast Corridor from the Amtrak Ivy City complex along New York Avenue NE, is a long and narrow parcel of land, creating a challenge to situate the proposed facility. Using our knowledge of VRE’s operational needs, along with Amtrak and VRE design standards, a conceptual layout and preliminary design were developed that will successfully accommodate the anticipated fleet. VHB is working together with regulatory agencies, stakeholders, members of the community, and property owners to assess potential impacts and deliver this project successfully for VRE, while helping VRE identify opportunities to be a good neighbor to the surrounding community.

VRE engine and passenger car stationed in railyard Closeup of VRE train engine Construction crew working alongside train tracks


  • Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


  • Environmental Services

  • Public Outreach

  • Rail Planning & Design

  • Regulatory Agency Coordination

  • Site/Civil Engineering

  • Transit & Rail Services
