St. George’s School

Middletown, RI

As the school’s hub of knowledge, the St. George’s School library was in need of rejuvenation. VHB’s engineering professionals supported the school’s initiative to transform the library into a state-of-the-art research facility so that it can continue to build a community of smart people. Our innovative approach to perform work in two phases minimized disruption to the campus so that students could maintain their focus during the school year, and our design featured a pervious pavement parking lot and rain gardens that yielded cost savings and sustainability. As St. George’s growth continues, VHB is there—from the new Science Building and Academic Center, to Memorial Hall renovations and new tennis court facilities.

Exterior view of St.George’s School in Middletown, Rhode Island.


  • St. George’s School


  • Environmental

  • Land Survey

  • Parking

  • Permitting

  • Site/Civil Engineering

  • Stormwater Management Planning and Design
